Admission S1 DP Application

Marymount Secondary School
Secondary 1 Discretionary Place Application

For the Academic Year 2025-2026



The school has a total of 43 Discretionary Places for S1. Applications are now invited for the year 2025-2026. P6 students who are capable of learning through the English medium are welcome to apply. Students studying in primary schools not participating in the Secondary School Places Allocation System (SSPA) may also apply. EDB Application forms may be obtained from the SPA Section of the EDB in Kwun Tong, Kowloon (Tel.: 28327740/ 28327700; Website:

Important Dates:


Information Day for S1 Admission


30 November 2024 (Saturday)

Registration Form and other details will be available by 1 November 2024


Application Period


2 – 16 January 2025

Monday – Friday:  

8:00 am – 5:00 pm


9:00 am – 12:00 noon


Interview for Discretionary Places which will be arranged for ALL non-feeder school applicants


1 March 2025 (Saturday)

9:00 am – 4:00 pm




Application Procedure

On submission of the EDB application form for S1 Discretionary Place, the application will be confirmed.

Parents are requested to submit the following together with the EDB application form:




1. Marymount Secondary School Application Form


2. A Student Personal Profile of not more than 10 pages in A4 size.


3. A photocopy of the following:


  • Primary 5 and Primary 6 report cards
  • Birth Certificate and ID Card
  • Other supporting documents (e.g. awards, certificate, etc.)
  • Certificate of Baptism (if applicable)


4. Three self-addressed stamped envelope.


Applicants are NOT required to submit a recommendation letter from their own primary school.

For SSPA e-Platform users with accounts bound with “iAM Smart+”, DP applications may also be submitted via the e-Platform.



Admission Criteria  收生準則及比重:


Student Profile
Academic Performance, Conduct, Extra-curricular Activities & Awards

學生成績及活動表現 (學業成績、操行、課外活動及獎項)


Communication Skills in English & Chinese, Logical Thinking & Comprehension Ability, Attitude

面試表現 (中英溝通能力、邏輯思維、理解能力、態度)





*Note: Successful applicants will be notified by phone and letter on 31 March 2025.

School Profile for Parents: Please click here: School Profile English Version.


中學概覽 : Please click here: School Profile Chinese Version.