Teaching & Learning LEAD+



In 2004-2005, around 20 students from Secondary 2, along with three teachers, were selected to participate in the LEAD project (Learning through Engineering, Art, and Design). This project, sponsored by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, aimed to stimulate creativity through a robotics presentation that incorporated engineering, computer programming, and art skills. In addition to showcasing their models, students also took part in catwalks to present their work with the "crickets" at a Showcase held in Cyberport towards the end of the second term.

Following the success of the project, a school-based LEAD programme was introduced for all Secondary 2 students as part of the Computer Literacy curriculum starting from September 2005. The programme was implemented during the second term.

In March and June 2018, the Principal and five other teachers participated in the Catalyst Education Lab MIT Professional Development Tour, sponsored by a private donor. They visited MIT to experience the motto of 'Hands and Minds'. This experience led to the development of the newly revamped LEAD+ programme. The programme now spans one year and includes components of Design and Entrepreneurial Thinking, 3D Modelling and Prototyping, and Coding with AI. At the end of the programme, students pitch their learning outcomes at a showcase held every June.